How to stop and uninstall BitNinja

Stopping BitNinja

service bitninja stop

Uninstalling Bitninja and related packets

Debian based distribution:
apt-get purge 'bitninja*'

Rpm based distribution:
yum remove 'bitninja*'

Removing kmod-ipset on Centos5:
yum remove kmod-ipset

Removing ipset on Centos5:
yum remove ipset

Removing BitNinja from WHM:
wget -qO- | tar -zx && ./bitninja-whm/uninstall

Removing BitNinja from ISPmanager:
wget -qO- | tar -zx && ./ispmgr-plugin/uninstall

Use the following command to remove SSL certificates:
rm -R /opt/bitninja-ssl-termination

Use the following command to remove the BitNinja logs folder:
rm -R /var/log/bitninja

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