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How to create a virtual machine in vCloud?

In the virtual data center, you can create your applications – virtual machines and vApps. To create a virtual machine, you can use this step by step guide:

  1. Click on “Applications” or your vCloud dashboard.
  2. Then click on Virtual Machines and NEW VM.
    RackRay vCloud
  3. There you will need to fill required information – name your VM, describe it, and choose the type. The type allows you to install on your virtual machine OS template or OS from ISO.
    vCloud new VM creation
  4. If you click on New, you will need to choose Operating Family and System from a list, then what image you want to boot.
    Then assign to your VM virtual CPUs, cores, and RAM and assign to your machine storage size.
    vCloud Operating system settings
  5. After configuring your OS and resource limits, you will need to configure NIC:
    vCloud NIC configuration
  6. After it, click on OK.
  7. Then you will see in your Recent Task, VM creation task. It should be completed within a couple of minutes.
  8. When a virtual machine is ready, you will see it in your Virtual Machine tab.

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