
How to register an account and Install BitNinja

First of all, when you order the BitNinja license, you will receive an email, subject: “[BitNinja Account Activation] Quick setup...

Useful BitNinja commands

This article provides some of the basic and useful commands of BitNinja. IP Management Whitelisting/Blacklisting the IP: bitninjacli --whitelist --add=

Install the WHM plugin for BitNinja

The following command below install BitNinja and WHM plugin: wget -qO- | tar -zx && ./bitninja-whm/install --license_key=[licensekey] The other...

How to block a country on BitNinja firewall?

In some cases, mostly, when you receive a larger scale of the attack that originates from the same country, you...

How to check BitNinja event logs?

BitNinja has an easy-to-read event log of all the recent actions that were done on your server by BitNinja software....